Biseé, Castries
NEMO’s responsibility is to ensure the efficient functioning of preparedness, prevention, mitigation and response actions.
Remember to rotate your perishable supplies and change water every six months.
The Family Disaster Supplies Calendar is intended to help you prepare for disasters before they happen..
Lightweight flat roofs are easily blown off in high winds. The Roof pitch should not be less than 22º.
On December 5, 2009 the National Response Centre at Biseé was formally opened and blessed. This set a new platform for Disaster Management in Saint Lucia.
NEMO Secretariat is responsible for the co-ordination of all response activities before, during and after a change of an Alert Level.
"It is an earthquake! Angela and his mamae know what to do. They do not run outside." Exerpt from the Kids Tsunami Storybook:
In the application for Disaster Asistance, please itemize all damages including: kitchen, bedroom,living room, dining room, study and more.
NEMO advises that persons take steps to make their homes their emergency shelter. If this is not possible then make advance arrangements during a storm.